Our facilities include outdoor ranges with covered shooting stations that allow the marksman to shoot at targets in the following yardages: 25, 50, 100, and 150.
Shooting Hours:
- Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm for members only
- Saturdays 10am – 5pm for members and public
Cost: $15 for an all day pass. Shooters must wear eye and ear protection, supply their own targets, and obey range rules.
Public Sight in Days:
- September – October:
- Rifle Ranges for Sight-in
- Third Sunday of September through last Sunday of October
- October 24 -28
Cast Bullet
BESA holds four Cast Bullet Associations sanctioned events per year. All of the events will be shot on the 100 yard range using combined CBA – “Benchrest” and “Military” rules. Participants will have their rifles evaluated by weight, type of sights, factory vs after market barrels etc. and will compete in one of eight possible classifications. Categories of competition are: Production Rifle, Heavy Rifle, Plain Base Bullet, Unrestricted Rifle, Long Range Handgun, and three classes for Military Rifles. Benchrest class shooters will use official CBA benchrest targets. Military shooters will use MR-31 targets (reduced 600yard military for 100yard use). Open class shooters will have their choice of target format.

Civilian Marksmanship Program is a bulls-eye target sport that is intended for US Service rifles and NRA match rifles. The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) replaced the Office of the Director of Civilian Marksmanship (ODCM) program ran by the Department of Defense. CMP rules require a center-fire rifle with iron-sights and open bolt indicators NRA High Power Rifle Rules also apply. Shooters will need a rifle that holds at least 5 rounds and can be reloaded quickly.
The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) promotes firearms safety training and rifle practice for all qualified U.S. citizens with special emphasis on youth. The CMP operates through a network of affiliated shooting clubs and associations that covers every state in the U.S. The clubs and associations offer firearms safety training and marksmanship courses as well as the opportunity for continued practice and competition.
The CMP was created by the U.S. Congress. The original purpose was to provide civilians an opportunity to learn and practice marksmanship skills so they would be skilled marksmen if later called on to serve the U.S. military. Over the years the emphasis of the program shifted to focus on youth development through marksmanship. From 1916 until 1996 the CMP was administered by the U.S. Army. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996 (TITLE XVI) created the Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice & Firearms Safety, Inc. (CPRPFS) to take over administration and promotion of the CMP. The CPRPFS is a tax exempt not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that derives its mission from public law.

Cowboy Shoot
From 10:00am to 1:00pm on Saturdays
View the current calendar for action shooting dates.
Pre 1898 or replicas, Single action pistol, Lever rifle, Double barrel Shotguns with no ejector. No Winchester model 12’s allowed. Winchester model 93 or 97 are allowed
Lead only, No jacketed bullets. Rifle and pistol cartridges 1,000 FPS or less. Shotgun, Trap loads only #6 or smaller. Acceptable pistol calibers are 45 Colt, 44 Magnum or special, 44 WCF, 38 Special, 38 WCF, 32 WCF & 25 WCF. NO 30-30’s or other rifle cartridges.
Cowboy boots and hat; 1880’s apparel if available.
Paper or steel.
Safety is IMPERATIVE. Any action or person that is deemed to be unsafe will be stopped and asked to leave the club property.
Eye and Ear protection is mandatory!
Cost – $10.00 per event
The public is invited to watch or participate.
Just maybe Cowboy action shooting is for you!
All cowboy action shooters will be asked to participate in the pursuit of fun, not Victory.
Pistol League
BESA hosts Pistol Leagues that begin three different times during the year. The Pistol Leagues welcome members and non-member guests of both genders, all ages and level of shooting ability. The purpose of BESA Pistol League is to allow participants to gain experience and competence with their pistol while striving to improve their shooting skillsets. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to gain knowledge from and build friendships with other firearm enthusiasts.
The WINTER PISTOL LEAGUE begins on the first Saturday after the New Year and runs for 10 weeks. Shooting starts at 1:00 PM.
The SUMMER PISTOL LEAGUE begins the first Tuesday after Memorial Day and runs for 10 weeks. Shooting starts at 4PM.
The BIG GAME HUNTING LEAGUE begins the first Tuesday after Labor Day and runs for four weeks. This League uses Delta Tru-Life paper targets at 25 and 50 yard distances to prepare shooters for hunting with a pistol. Shooting starts at 4PM.
The WINTER/SUMMER Leagues use the same silhouette scoring targets with the course of fire as follows:
Stage 1 (B27 – large silhouette target)
50 yards; total 12 shots, seated & supported in 4 minutes: reload after first 6 shots.
Stage 2 (B27 – large silhouette target)
25 yards; total of 18 shots, standing in 1 minute: 6 shots right side barricade supported, 6 shots left side barricade supported, 6 shots unsupported (offhand); sequence in any order with reload after each six shots fired.
Stage 3 (B29 – small silhouette target)
50 feet; total of 12 shots sitting and standing in 30 seconds: 6 shots sitting supported, 6 shots standing unsupported; reload after each six shots fired.
Stage 4 (B29 – small silhouette target)
20 feet; total 6 shots standing in 6 seconds: unsupported.
Total for four stages of fire: 48 score able shots per week
All shooters must have at least two (6 shot speed loaders for revolvers) or three (6 shot magazines for semi-autos) as there is not enough time within a stage of fire for lengthy reloading. Speed loaders and magazines can be reloaded between stages as necessary. More Questions? Contact Steve at sajansen@yahoo.com or Bob at bobyund@gmail.com