Our facilities offer Trap, Skeet, and 5-Stand

  • We allow our members to shoot Monday-Saturday from 8am to 8pm, Saturdays from 10am to 5pm.
  • Public Hours are Saturdays 10am-5pm and weeknights when we have leagues.

No Sunday shooting or the following Holidays: Memorial Day weekend Fourth of July the whole week, and Labor Day weekend.

  • Must wear hearing and eye protection, all shot loads must be 7.5, 8 or 9.
  • You must supply your own ammo, we do have some ammo available for purchase. Leave gun cases in car.
COST TO SHOOT PER ROUND: $5 for members, $8 for non-members and $5 for students


5-Stand consists of 5 different shooting stations from which each shooter gets to shoot 5 different target presentations. A full round consists of 25 targets per shooter.

Each clay thrower is strategically placed throughout a field to allow for a unique presentation from running rabbit to springing teal and also includes incoming, outgoing, quartering-away, quartering-in and other angled targets.

Up to 5 shooters participate in a round and shoot at each of the 5 stations or stands. From each station a shooter will get:

  • On the first pass at each stand, the shooter gets a 2-Shot Single target from one of the numbered presentations.
  • On the second pass, each shooter gets what is known as a Report Pair of targets. This is where after the first shot is fired, the second target is released.
  • On the third pass, each shooter receives a True Pair of targets with both targets thrown simultaneously.

Each shooter then moves to the next stand. That’s a total of 5-targets at each of the 5 stands for 25 total clays.

The beauty of 5-Stand is that not only are there different presentations at each station, but the order of them can be altered each day. For that matter, the location of the traps themselves can be changed from time to time so that the presentations can vary.

If you haven’t seen or experienced 5-Stand yet, do yourself a favor and come out and take a look; but bring your shotgun and shells. You’re bound to want to give it a try.


The sport of skeet was invented in 1920 by a group of Massachusetts men who wanted to improve their shooting before hunting season. Today’s version has become an international sport. A round of skeet consists of 25 targets shot from 8 shooting stations arranged in a semi-circle. There is a clay thrower/house on each corner of semi-circle that is called the high house(10′ above ground) and low house(3′ above ground). The clays will consist of 17 being shot as singles and 8 as doubles. For those that need it…The first miss is repeated immediately and is called an option.

The sequence at each station in the semi-circle is as follows:

  • Stations 1 and 2: High house single; Low house single; High house/Low house true pair
  • Stations 3, 4, and 5: High house single; Low house single. No pair
  • Stations 6 and 7: High house single; Low house single; Low house/High house true pair
  • Station 8: High house single; Low house single. No pair

Skeet is shot with 1-5 shooters that move from station to station around the semi circle, ending up in the center, at the end of the round.

Any gauge shotgun may be used, and preferrable one that can hold 2 shots.


1-5 shooter can shoot a round of 25 shots that consists of the shooter attempting to shoot single clays at 5 different stations about 16-27 yards away. Each clay will fly from a single clay house centered head of the shooting stations and the clay will fly 45 mph away from the shooter at different angles no greater than 45 degrees left to or right. Each shooter will load a single shot for each of 5 rounds at each station.

League Information

Leagues are a chance to sign up as a team or individually and have some fun. All levels of experience are welcome. Leagues will consist of 12 gauge, 20 gauge, 28 gauge, 410 and doubles. You may also reach out to Al Savage or Larry Hull for more information.


  • APRIL – AUGUST (Shoot either of these nights Tuesday-Wednesdays-Thursdays from 4pm -8pm)
  • Join either the 16 Yard Handicap League or Yardage Trap League.

League fees are $15 per person with a maximum of ten people per team. If individuals would like to join more than one team, each additional team they join is $5.

League banquet to follow

League info: contact Larry Hull at larryhull@gmail.com


  • May – August: Summer Skeet Leagues 5 Stand & Practice
    Shot Mon. & Fri evenings 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm and Wed. 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
  • August – October: Fall Skeet Leagues 5 Stand & Practice
    Shot Mon. & Fri. 4:00 to 8:00 and Wed. 11:00 to 3:00 (Fall leagues are handicap scored)
  • January – March: Winter Skeet League 5 Stand & Practice
    Saturdays 10:00 to 5:00
  • May – August: N.S.S.A. Registered Targets
    Registered Targets are shot at BESA one Fri. & Sat. a month during the summer months.

A great way to meet other members, have fun and not take yourself too seriously!

High School and College Info

Bald Eagle Sportsmen’s Association is very proud to support the MN High School and Collegiate Trap League. We currently host White Bear Lake High School, Mahtomedi High School and Liberty Academy, North Lakes and Northwestern University. Our members support these clubs financially with donations during their membership renewal and several members are coaches on these teams.

Our teams usually practice in the fall and mostly in the spring from 3-5pm certain weeknights.

CONGRATULATIONS to several of the shooters and teams for their past performances which lead them to participate in Regional, State and National Tournaments.

We are proud to host these teams and influence the next generation of shooters.

Please stop up to the shotgun ranges and cheer these young shooters on.

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